School Readiness
Our belief is that we are here to care for, have fun with and get your children ready for school: School readiness.
It is also our belief that our role is to help shape the children in our care towards personal and social development that provides emotionally healthy outcomes.
We stick to and measure the Early Years Foundation Goals and through our adoption of learning through outdoor, as well as indoor play, we concentrate our observations on the characteristics of effective learning.
- I am Confident
- I can turn take
- I can share my thoughts and feelings
We use these three maxims as a way of developing communication and language. It is also vital that the academic elements of learning are supported by the ability to interact and communicate socially.
Much of what we do is a continuous balance between school readiness, in terms of academic achievement, and the ability to feel confident about the inner person with an appetite to learn.
All too often the stress to “learn” has a detrimental effect on children. We are always hearing from teaching professionals that there is more pressure on children today than at any other time in the past. This is why we work hard at holding on to and developing their natural inquisitiveness.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjimin Franklin
I suppose that much of what we do at nursery is filtered and measured by this one quotation. When we truly engage with the children they retain information and are able to articulate it, using their own words, much more readily and easily than when they are simply shown something.