What we do
We offer full day and session based care to children from 6 months to 5yrs old. The Nursery opens at 8.00 am and closes at 6.00 pm. With both morning and afternoon sessions available, we offer learning opportunities through a variety of activities including craft, messy play, role play, puzzles, games and more. With weekly outdoor, cooking, nature, yoga, rhyme, song and story sessions we have so much to offer all of our children.
The unique experience we offer at The Old Fire Station is our outdoor learning environment. Our outdoor space is surrounded by fields and the children can play in the secure garden area, which has been specially designed to encourage children to explore, engage in physical activity and take notice of the world around them.
Outdoor Learning and Play
Our mini bus takes the children out to various places of interest and learning including local libraries, farms, parks and other fun environments where learning can take place.
We love outdoor learning here at The Old Fire Station and our children have the opportunity to play outside come rain or shine! Each week the children will also go exploring offsite in the village, den building in the woods, bug hunting across the fields or pond dipping at the Market Garden. On Fridays we meet up with the reception class at Englefield Primary School for more Woodland Learning.
Inside we have a whole host of activities awaiting the children: Cooking, playhouses, Maths area, building blocks, painting and drawing, maps and our imagination station are to name but a few.